This is a large cemetery, most of the stones are not included here.
I have a list of burials through 1929, and will do lookups. See email above.
Many of the stones are hard to read - Information from Cogswell's "History of Chester"
(within parens) was used to fill in some blanks. To see photo reference numbers,
rest cursor on thumbnail photo, then scroll down to corresponding numbers.
In memory of Mr. Joseph Carr who died Feb. 27, 1835 AEt. 92.
In memory of Sally Carr daughter of Mr. Joseph
and Mrs. Hannah (Ayer) Carr. She died December 1787 (a. 9 yrs)
Mrs. Hannah (Ayer) wife of Mr. Joseph Carr died Feb. 25, 1823 (a. 85 yrs)
Three children of Samuel & Mary Carr
Eliza died May 1, 1803 aged 22 mos.
John died May 5, 1803 aged 7 mos.
Nathan died May 18, 1813 aged 6 yrs.
(mostly unreadable, children of Samuel & Mary Carr)
Jane, d. July 18, 1814, a. 3 m.
Eliza, d. Jan. 18, 1816, a. 2 y. 6 m.
(The parents are also buried in this cemetery, stones not seen May 2003:)
Samuel, d. Feb. 13, 1851, a. 76
Mary (Stinson), w. of Samuel, d. Sept. 14, 1858, a. 84 y.
(Also buried in this cemetery, stone not seen May 2003:)
Rebecca N. Carr, w. of John, d. Apr. 10, 1848, a. 34 y.
(John & Elisabeth Karr family)
Mr. John Karr
Memento mort
Erected in memory of Mr. John Karr who departed this life
Octr* y 22d 1782 in the 73rd year of his age
"Behold thyself by me, Such one was I as thou
And thou in time shall be E'vn dust as I am now"
Memento mort
Erected in memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Karr wife of Mr. John Karr
who departed this life Sept. 2d 1781 in the 76th year of her age
M-- Mary daughter of Mr. John Karr and Elisabeth his wife
She died Nov. 3(0, 1774, aged 36)
(Mostly unreadable, but the words "Karr" "Elisabeth" and "aged 26"
and proximity to the stone above, make me think this is:)
Martha, daughter of John and Elisabeth, died Mar. 9, 1773, aged 26
In memory of Mr. Joseph Karr who departed this life
July 3rd AD 1785 aged 39 years wanting 4 months & 25 days
In memory of Mr. Mark Karr who departed this life
July y 26th 1789 in the 39th year of his age
(son of John & Elisabeth Karr ?)
Elizabeth (Gilchrist) wife of Mark Karr died (Aug. 15) 1834 aged 86
1812 Samuel Carr 1877
His wife 1822 Lydia Hall 1902
Samuel Carr born May 31, 1812 died Aug. 17, 1877
(Other Carrs buried in this cemetery, stones not seen May 2003:
probably children of Samuel & Lydia)
Mary Lizzie, b. 1848, d. Nov. 22, 1869, a. 20 y.
Charles Patten, b. 1845, d. 1905
Ellen Augusta, b. 1846, d. 1885
Florence Celestia, b. 1852
Mark, b. 1842, d. 1903. (veteran)
Warren Milton, b. 1854
Charles C. McDuffie, M.D. 1890-1941
Page T. Long Nov. 9, 1840-Apr.3, 1909
Nathan B(urnham) Goldsmith Apr. 25, 1818-Oct. 10, 1902
Harriet N(ewell) McDuffee his wife Nov. 20, 1825-Nov. 3, 1902
Emma Newell died Aug. 31, 1893 Aged 32 yrs.
Celestia Susanna died Apr. 27, 1925 Aged 79 yrs.
Thomas A. McDuffie died Sept. 1, 1872 Aged 73 yrs. 5 ms.
Nancy C. (Brown) wife of Tho's A. McDuffe
died Sept. 11, 1854 aged 38 yrs
Olive A(nn) McDuffee died Jan. 19, 1871 aged 29 yrs. 5 ms.
Frederick McDuffee died Aug. 26, 1872 aged 26 yrs. 1 ms.
Sam'l C. McDuffie died Aug. 5 1870 aged 45 yrs.
"Weep not for me, I loved you all...."
Hannah M. wife of Samuel C. McDuffie died Oct. 20, 1874 aged 46 yrs. 17 ds.
Granvil son of Sm'l & Hannah McDuff.. died Sept. 19, 1851 aged (4) months
Frank L. McDuffie 1849-1933
Olive A. Brown his wife 1854-1926
Four McDuffie stones right next to the fence & road
Charles (Granville) McDuffie (Jr.) 1854-1907
his wife Vena V. Woodbury 1857-1938
Their children Jennie B. 1879-1899
Alice V. 1882-1883
William D. Smith born Jan. 14 1817 died Aug. 23, 1896
Mary wife of Wm. D. Smith died Feb 2, 1886 AE. 63 yrs. 8 ms.
Sally wife of Robert Mills died June 25 1872 Aged 84 years
Robert Mills died June 6, 1863 Aged 82 yrs.
"My sufferings are o'er"
Jesse Mills died June 19, 1836 aged 49 yrs. 10 mos. & 19 ds.
Henry Mills died Mar. 12, 1903 AE. 84 yrs.
Elizabeth wife of Henry Mills and daughter of
Jacob & Phebe Green died Mar. 9, 1848 aged 27 yrs.
Sophia Ann wife of Henry Mills and daughter of
Asa & Sally Wilson died Nov. 8, 1864 aged 35 yrs. 11 mos, & 10 ds.
Lincoln H. Mills born Feb. 18, 1861
died May 7, 1917 AE. 56 yrs. 2 ms. 19 ds.
Frank M. Mills born Oct. 22 1854
died Feb. 15 1932 AE. 77 yrs. 3 ms. 23 ds.
Rev. Ebenezer Flagg
Minister of the first parish in Chester, having faithfully discharged the duties
of his sacred office 57 years, d. Nov. 14, 1786 in his 93rd year
Erected in memory of Mrs. Mary Flagg the amiable & virtuous
consort of Mr. Ebenezer Flagg who departed this life
Novr. 10th AD 1783 aged 62 years
Erected in the memory of Mrs. Lucretia Flagg
the virtuous consort of the Rev. Ebenezer Flagg who departed this life
the 30th of March 1764 in the 41st year of her age
Here lies buried Richard the son of Rev. Ebenezer Flagg & Lucretia his wife
who departed this life Jan. 21 1762 in the eighth year of his age
Catherine G(ardiner) wife of William J. Folsom and daughter of Josiah & Anna Flagg
died Sept. 25, 1807 aged 27 yrs.
Mrs. Anna (Webster) Flagg consort of Josiah Flagg Esq.
died May 1st, 1799 AEtat, 49
Josiah Flagg Esq. departed this life April 15th 1799 AEtat. 50
Here lies buried the body of (Ens.) Jacob Sargent.
He died April the 16th 1749 and in the (6)2 year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Nancy Sargent consort of Dr. Thomas Sargent
who died Nov. 20, 1817 AEt. 50 years
Here lies the body of Mrs. Hannah Sargeant
the amiable and virtuous consort of Doctr Thomas Sargeant
who departed this life Nov. ye 15th 1788 Aged 30 years 5 months and 17 days
"She lived in faith, she died in hope
and who could find...."
James Wilson died Sept. 6, 1824 aged 74 yrs.
"A soldier of the Revolution"
Hitty H. Wilson his wife died Mar. 23, 1854 aged 77 yrs.
Here lies the body of Mr. John Moor.
He died July 2, 1747 aged 53 years
Here lies buried the body of John Akin
died December 1, 1750 and in the 6(1)st year of his age
Here lies the body of Mr. Samuel Gilchrist.
He died April 20th 1762 aged 16 years
Here lies buried the body of
Jean -- departed -- life March 29 1759
in the -8th year of his age
Erected in memory of Mr. William Graham who departed this life
April ye 9, 1789 in the 73rd year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth (Bartlett) the wife of
Mr. Jethro Colby who died July the 13th 1778 in the 40th year of her age
(Also reported to be buried here, but stone not seen May 2003:
Anna, consort of Jethro Colby, d. Aug. 18, 1793, aged 51 yrs)
Here lies the body of Eleanor Colby daughter to Mr. Jethro and Mrs. Elisabeth
Colby. She died November 6th 1773 in the 11 year of her age
Here lyes the body of Mr. Samuel Bartlett
He died March 25 1762 in the 57 year of his age
Mrs. Elizabeth Bartlett consort of Mr. Samuel Bartlett
died April 1st 1801 AEtat. 85
Mr. Jethro Colby departed this life April 4th 1803 AEtat. 69
(More Goldsmiths buried in this cemetery:)
Albert Burnham, member of Co.H, 18th N.H.V., d. Feb. 15, 1765 aged 17 yrs.
Harriet Ida, d. Sept. 2, 1867, aged 12 yrs.
Charles Millette, d. Ashland, NB, Dec. 1, 1870, aged 19 yrs.
Francis Wayland, d. Aug. 23, 1878, aged 21 yrs.
George Edward, d. Aug. 24, 1874, aged 25 yrs.
John Burnham, d. July 9, 1882, aged 18 yrs.
Vesta Ann Victoria, d. Nov. 23, 1890, aged 37 yrs.
Other expanded lists of families will be added as time permits
June 14, 2003