Harvey's Family
(See the Ahnentafel Chart
for full details about these ancestors)
James & Jane Williamson
Prospect Hill Cemetery, Argyle, NY
Jane Williamson
James Williamson
James Williamson (1825-1889) and Jane Elizabeth Black (1837-1870) were Harvey's parents.
Harvey never mentions his mother, who died when he was quite young, but his
Journal for 1889
describes his father's illness and death at age 63. He closes that year's journal with this note:
"One of our number is missing gone forever. A kind & faithful Father. One who left behind
a kind home for us which will never be forgotten as long as life exists."
James & Jane had six children - Harvey, Emma, Orrie E., Annie, Jennie B., and a baby boy
who died at birth in 1869. Harvey notes the death of his sister Jennie B. in his 1874
She was born in 1870 only 2 months before her mother Jane died, so she may have lived
with her grandparents. This might explain why her gravestone notes only that she was
the granddaughter of William and Elisabeth Black. Her parents are not noted on the gravestone.
Jennie B.
Baby Boy
Orrie E. (1865-19250 & her husband John Barkley are buried here, while Emma (1863-1946) & her husband
George Barkley, and Annie B. (1868-1898) & her husband Eli Matteson, are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Salem.
Annie B.
Thanks to Diane Mercure and Nancy Zapletal for all the cemetery photos
As time permits, the names on this page will be linked to their places
in the family tree chart, and information may be added or revised.
Check back often for updates. Please contact Carolyn Agenjo
if you would like to add to this page of the Williamson Family website.
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Revised July 12, 2002