Here is the information I have gathered from the stones so far.
All text within parentheses is information gathered from research, not from the gravestones.
It is very likely that there are errors - please send any corrections you see.
There are large, hi-res versions of these photos available.
Contact for more information
Memento Mort
Here lyeth the body of John Bell who departed
this life on the 8th day of July anno domini 1743
about the 64th year of his age
also here lyes the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Bell
wife to the above named John Bell
She departed this life 30 August 1771 aged 82 years
(Not seen, but listed as buried here:)
Ebenezer (son of John & Mary Ann Bell) d. 22 Jul 1805, ag 20 yrs
James (s/o John & Mary Ann Bell d. 31 Mar 1787,ag. 19 yrs 5 mos 21 dys
Jane (d/o John & Mary Ann Bell) d. 11 Aug 1785, ag 13 yrs 3 mos 8 dys
Jean (w/o Joseph Bell) d. 22 Nov 1777, ag 82 yrs
Joseph d. 14 Oct 1779, ag 83 yrs.
(Left side)
Erected in memory of -- John Pinker(ton)
-- who departed this life Feb 10, 1780 aged about 80 years
(right side)
Erected in memory of Mrs. Mary (Farmer) Pinkerton
(wife of John Pinkerton - died Sept. 10, 1754 aged 44 years)
rest hard to read
(Willey's Book of Nutfield lists these names as buried here:)
Elizabeth Pinkerton (d/o Major John & Rachel Pinkerton) d. 18 Mar 1789, ag 17 yrs 6 mos 17 dys
David d. 8 Mar 1808, ag 75 yrs
John (s/o Major John & Rachel Pinkerton) d. 4 Jun 1795, ag 17yrs 7 mos 22 dys
John d. 10 Jeb 1780, age 80 yrs
Major John d. 1 May 1816, ag 81 yrs
Mary (w/o Major John Pinkerton) d. 19 Feb 1844, ag 94 yrs
Rachel (w/o Major John Pinkerton) d. 13 Sep 1781, ag 36 yrs 3 mos 2 dys
Rachel (d/o John & Mary Pinkerton) d. 23 Sep 1807, ag 67 yrs
Samuel (s/o John & Mary Pinkerton) d. 16 Mar 1780, ag 34 yrs
Mary (w/o John Pinkerton) d. 10 Sep 1754, ag 44 yrs
Naomi (d/o Major John & Rachael Pinkerton) d. 4 May 1790, ag 20yrs 3 mos 22 dys.
Here lies the body of Samuel Scobey and Martha Scobey.
He died January 20 1737 aged 3 years.
She died October 6 1754 aged 30 years.
"Our bodys lye must in the dust till resurrection of the just"
Here lyes the body of Mr. Matthew Scobey
He died July 2d 1764 aged 31 years
"To celebrate Jehova s praise My very body shal(l) arise"
Moses W. Messer
died in Francestown NH March 10 1814 AEt. 18 yrs
Cyrus Messer died Apr. 2, 1837 Aged 65 yrs.
Name unreadable, but the date "1799" "Aetat 56" and the letter "M"
are clear, as is this inscription:
"Death thou hast conquered me, by thy dart am I slain
-- Christ has conquered thee, and I shall rise again"
Memento Mort
Here lyeth the body of Jannet McColom who departed this life
8ber (October)27th anno dom 1744 (the 7 is written backwards)
in the 12th year of her age
Also the body of Janet wife of Alexander McColom who died Oct -- 1773 aged 69 years
(Alexander McColom, d. 4 Jul 1781, ag 79 yrs)
(Archibald McColom d. 10 Apr 1761, ag 23 yrs)
(Lieut Robert McColom d. 13 Jun 1792, ag 56 yrs)
(Martha (w/o Lieut Robert McColom) d. 15 Sep 1822, ag 74)
(William McColom d. 17 Sep 1794, ag 23 yrs)
Memento Mort
To do good make no -- For -- time slides away
Here lyeth the body of Anna (Barnett) the wife of John Wallace
who died January 6th 1761 in the 63rd year of her age
Also the body of John Wallace husband to the above said Anna
who died March 29 1777 in the 82nd year of his age
The above said John and Anna were the first persons that
was married in Londonderry May 18 1721
Mrs. Rebecca Wallace died 20 Sept
Erected in memory of Mr. Samuel Wallace
who departed this life July y 29 1778 in the 41 year of his age
(Most is unreadable)
--(memor?)y of --
He died --17(56 or 60) aged -- years
Possibly one or more of these listed names:
(Thomas Wallace d. 7 May 1789, ag 73 yrs)
(Mrs. Rebecca Wallace d. 22 Sep 1804, ag 81 yrs)
(Thomas Wallace d. 26 Jan 1790, ag 46 yrs, his wife d. 4 Apr 1785, ag 31 yrs)
Erected in memory of Robert Wallace who departed this life Oct. 10th, 1782 Aged 73 years
In memory of Mrs. Margaret (Steel) Wallace Relict of Robert Wallace May 10, 1791
(Naomi (w/o Capt Robert Wallace) d. 10 May 1791, ag 80 yrs) (??)
Here lies the body of the learn(ed?) William Wallace M-A
who dyed March 27 A.D 1733 aged 26 years
The above said Mr. Wm. is the first ever buried (here)
Also the body of Thomas Wallace the father of the above Wm
dyed August ye 22 A.D in the 8(8)th year of his age
Also the body of B(arbary)(Corcoran) the wife of Thomas --- died (9/2/1771 a. 95)
Three Wallace children:
James (a child) no dates
Elizabeth (a child) no dates
William (a child) no dates
Here lyes the body of Anne Wallace who dyed 8ber 23 1733 aged 20 years
also the body of Margaret sister to the above Ann
who died Oct -- in the -- of her age
(Ann, daughter of Thomas and Barbary C. Wallace was born 1714
died Oct 1733 of consumption Aged 20. She never married)
Here lies the body of (Thomas) Wallace son of John and Anna Wallace
who died Sept 29 1734 aged 4 years 1 month and 12 days
and the body of (Anne?) the dau of Ja--
--since the year of--
more faint text at bottom
stone directly to left may say "Anne"
Left: Here lyes (Ann?) Wallace Child
Right: (Elisabeth Wallace?)
2 stones covered with lichen
only "CHILD" on right stone is visible
Erected in memory of James Wallace
Oct y 30 1791 in the 80th Year of his age
Also in memory of Mary wife of the above --
-- 8 -- year of her age
(more there - hard to read)
(John (s/o James & Mary Wallace) d. 25 Nov 1754, ag 10 dys)
(Mary (d/o James & Mary Wallace) d. 10 Oct 1760, ag 8 yrs)
(This is the grave of James Wallace 4/1712-10/30/1791. He is most likely
the husband of Mary Wilson 7/28/1720-2/13/1814, who is known as "Ocean-Born Mary."
Some versions of the story say she married a Thomas Wallace.
This stone seems to also mark the grave of his wife, Mary - yet most records
say that "Ocean Mary" is buried in the Center Cemetery in Henniker, NH.
Left stone unreadable aside from "Wallace"
Right stone - Capt. James & Mrs. Mary Wallace
(Capt James d. 14 Dec 1792, ag 71 yrs)
Here lies buried the body of
Mrs. Agnes (Wilson) the wife of Mr. Samuel Fisher
who departed this life March 12th 1754
(one more line of unreadable text at bottom)
Erected in memory of William Fisher son of Samuel Fisher
and Mrs. Sarah-- who died Oct 26th 1775 14th year of his age
Elder Samuel Fisher
(d. 10 Apr 1806, ag 84 yrs)
(Agnes (w/o Samuel Fisher) d. 12 Mar 1755, ag 27 yrs)
(Sarah (w/o Elder Samuel Fisher) d. 3 Feb 1813, ag 80 yrs)
Here lyes the body of Mrs. Jean (Anderson) Taggart
the wife of James Taggart. She departed this life 6 Mar 1770
in the 60th year of her age. Also the body
of James Taggart son of the above named (Mother?)
(d. May 25, 1752, age 8 yrs)
body of Sarah Taggart a child
Here lies the body of John Taggart
(Not seen, but listed as buried here:)
Rose, wife of Neil Taggart, d. June 15, 1748, aged 48 yrs.
Momento mort memory of Mrs Jane Ann(?) the wife of Mr. Robert --
who dep(arted) this (life?) Nov ye 5th 1777
Here lies the body of Mrs. Jenet wife to Mr. Joseph Finlay
She died December 2- 1768 aged 37(?) years
(Jenet Finlay (w/o Joseph Finlay) d. 23 Dec 1768, ag 57 yrs.)
Memento mort
In memory of Miss --
daughter of Mr. John McClinch and Mrs. Martha, his (wife?)
who departed this life -- 30th --89 in the -- year of her age
(several more lines of unreadable text)
(Martha (d/o John & Martha McClenche) d. 20 May 1787, ag 20 yrs)
In memory of Miss Elizabeth McClinch
daughter of Mr. John McClinch and Martha his wife
who departed this life Nov 12 1788 in the 20th year of her age
(4-line poem follows)
In memory of Mrs. Martha McClinch wife of Mr. John McClinch
who departed this life July 27th 1801
in the 69th year of her age
(Mostly unreadable, but the few visible letters seem to read
"John McClinch" "76" "24")
(John "McClenche" d. 24 Mar 1820, ag 76 yrs)
Here lyes the body of Mr. William McAllaster
He died March 10th 1755 aged 55 years
(was married to Jane Campbell)
Mrs. Jane Smith (on rear)
In memory of Mrs. Jane Smith wife of Mr. John Smith
and daughter of Mr. Thomas McCleary and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife
who died March ye 5th 1779 in the 29th year of her age
(Thomas McCleary d. 5 Oct 1787, ag 81 yrs)
Also in memory of (Capt.)David McCleary
(son of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth McCleary)
who died at Bennington in the service of his country
David McClary
New Hampshire Lt. Runnel's Co. Nichol's NH Mil Rev War
August 16, 1777
In memory of Miss Mary McCleary
daughter of Mr. Thomas McCleary and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife
who died may 7 1778 in the 20th year of her age
(In memory of John McCleary (s/o Thomas & Elizabeth McCleary) d. 7 Apr 1778, ag 21 yrs)
(Elizabeth McCleary (d/o Thomas & Elizabeth McCleary) d. 15 Oct 1782, ag 30 yrs)
Here lies buried the body of Mr. John Mack
who departed this life April 12 1753 aged 55 years
(Also buried in this cemetery - daughter Janet Mack 1732-1778
stone not photographed)
{{New Information - daughter Janet is the Janet Campbell seen above}}
{{Erected in memory of}} Mr(s) (Janet) {{MACK}} Campbell
(wife of Mr. Henry) Campbell who {{departed this life Sept 28, A.D. 1778
aged 46 years, 6 months, 7 days}}
(Jannet Campbell (w/o Henry Campbell) who d. 28 Sep 1778 ag 46 yrs.)
Here lies the body of Hugh M(oor) son of -- William M(oor)
(and Martha Mack) -- 16th 177- (6?)th year of his age
(Elizabeth Moore (d/o Capt William & Martha Moore) d. 6 Mar 1775, ag 3 wks)
(Sibbil (d/o Capt William & Martha Moore) d. 15 Aug 1776, ag 9 mos)
(Hugh (s/o Capt William & Martha Moore) d. 16 Mar 1775, ag 6 yrs.)
Here lyes the body of Mr. Joseph Duncan
son to Mr. John Duncan
He died Febry 10th 1769 aged 2(?)years 8 months
Here lyes the body of William Duncan
He departed this life Octr 23rd 1764
aged 38years 8 months and 20 days
Here lyes the body of -- Duncan 9 years
Here lies the body of Mrs.--
rest unreadable
Samuel Duncan Son of Deacon George and Leticia Duncan
died Nov 4th 1753 aged 2 years (?) months
(Hannah Duncan (w/o John Duncan) d. 5 Jan 1789, ag 50 yrs)
(John d. 15 Nov 1799, ag 70 yrs)
(Lititia (w/o Deacon George Duncan) d. 5 May 1767, ag 52 yrs)
(Naomi (w/o William Duncan) d. 1 Sep 1807 ag. 88 yrs)
(Robert (s/o John Duncan) d. 10 Feb 1759, ag 26 yrs. 4 mos)
(William (s/o Capt William & Naomi Duncan) d. 29 Mar 1793; ag 55 yrs)
(William d. 22 Feb 1795, ag 82 yrs 6 mos)
Martha Aiken (d/o William AIKEN) d. 4 May 1749, ag 14 yrs
William Aiken d. 16 Oct 1745, ag 54 yrs.
Agnes Alexander (d/o William & Elizabeth Alexander) d. 10 Jan 1771, ag 15 mos
Agnes Alexander ( w/o John Alexander) d. 4 Sep 1769, ag 71 yrs
John Alexander d. 14 Feb 1771, ag 92 yrs
John Alexander (s/o William & Elizabeth Alexander) d. 3 May 1784, ag 10 yrs 5 mos 5 dys.
Janet Anderson (w/o Robert Anderson) d. 15 Nov 1777, ag 54 yrs.
Alice Boyd (w/o William Boyd) d. 25 Nov 1790, ag 60 yrs
John Boyd (s/o William Boyd) d. 28 dec 1764, ag 15 yrs
Letice Boyd (d/o William & Alice Boyd) d. 14 Aug 1772, ag 15 yrs
Robert Boyd (s/o William & Alice Boyd) d. 9 Jan 1777, ag 22 yrs
William Boyd d. 24 Nov 1785, ag 70 yrs 3 mos.
Eleanor Clark; Esther Clark; Esther Clark, all children, no dates.
Jean Craige (a child)
John Craige d. 2 Oct 1758, ag 61 yrs
Mary Craige (d/o John Craige) d. 25 Nov 1760, ag 4 yrs
Mary Craige (w/o John Craige) d. 27 Apr 1753, ag 92 yrs
Samuel Craige (a child).
Elias Dickey d. 27 Feb 1755, ag 57 yrs
Elizabeth Dickey (Mrs.) d. 21 Sep 1748, ag 70 yrs
Joseph Dickey d. 26 Nov 1745, ag 9 yrs
Martha Dickey (w/o Samuel Dickey) d. 15 Oct 1775, ag 72 yrs
Martha Dickey d. ag 3 mos
Mary Dickey d. ag 3 wks
Sarah Dickey d. ag 21 mos
William Dickey d. 9 Oct 1743, ag 60 yrs.
Sarah Ela (d/o David & Hannah Ela) d. 29 Sep 1778, ag 17 mos 22 dys.
John Hog d. 13 Aug 1755, ag 23 yrs
Thomas Hog d. 8 Jan 1748, ag 42 yrs.
Mary Hogg (w/o Thomas Hogg) d. 1 May 1790, ag 24 yrs.
Alexander McGregor, d. 27 Jun 1804, ag 37 yrs
John P. McGregor d. 27 Sep 1819, ag 2 yrs
Mary McGregor (w/o Alexander McGregor) d. 24 May 1799, ag 31 yrs.
Cyrus Messer, d. 2 Apr 1837 ag 65 yrs
Mary Messer (w/o Cyrus Messer) d. 18 Jun 1866, ag 92 yrs, 9 mos
Moses W. Messer, d. 10 Mar 1814, ag 18 yrs.
Watt Mitchell (s/o Francis & Margaret Mitchel) d. 24 Sep1775, ag 10 mos
James Oughterson, d. 3 Mar 1761, ag 64 yrs.
Elizabeth Patterson (w/o Peter Patterson) d. 22 Jun 1786, ag 23 yrs
Molly Thompson (d/o John & Martha Thompson) d. 9 Jun 1778, age 2 yrs
Sarah (d/o Robert & Margaret Thompson) d. 18 Nov 1776, age 1 yr.
Peggy Watts (w/o Moses Watts) d. 3 May1795, ag 64 yrs.
David Wiear (s/o Adam & Margaret Wiear) d. 15 Feb 1765, ag 25 yrs.
Joseph Wilson, Rebecca (w/o Joseph Wilson) d. 25 May 1770 ag 66 yrs.
David Woodburn d. 9 Oct 1823, ag 85 yrs
Margaret Woodburn (w/o David Woodburn) d. 17 Oct 1792, ag 39 yrs.
Revised March 26, 2004
(added some names found in Wiley's Book of Nutfield, NH by George F. Wiley, 1895)
Return to Cemetery Pages
Further revised June 25, 2004 - added all information found within {{ }} brackets.
That new data and the photos "John Mack" and "Janet Campbell"
were received from Mack descendant Olive Hoffman, of California.
Re-visited cemetery in April 2009
Added new notes at top of page November 2009