Yates Family Pictures
More photos here... and some from Jean here...
Contact Carolyn if you have questions (or pictures to share)
Just before Mom (Doris) moved to California in 1999, I scanned all these photos she had saved.
I have more photos, and a better scanner now, so will post more soon.
I also plan to gradually
clean up, annotate and re-post the ones shown here.
I'd be happy to produce family sub-pages for all of us
to enjoy -
let me know if you would like to add to the collection. ...Carolyn
Olga, Teddy (?)
Susie, Chrissy
Bud, Carolyn
Doris, Carolyn
Bud, Carolyn
Ole, Don
Jean, Dennis
Arthur & friends
Polar & Viking
Arthur (?)
Olga, Muriel (?)
Ruth, Teddy, Olga
Dated 1921-1924
Ole, Doris
Click for larger image